Computing and Internet Safety

At St John's we have the use of a dedicated IT suite for class work in computing or other subjects. In addition, we have banks of chrome books which can be used in class. Please find below documents setting out our vision for computing, the knowledge and skills progression map (what they will learn each year) and how we organise the computing curriculum (what we teach and when - how it is sequenced).

In 2021-22 we focused on basic skills and internet safety due to the pandemic. We found that the children needed support with aspects of the curriculum and had spent time during the pandemic on screens and would benefit from more focus on how to be safe online. 

We use the Rising Stars scheme (new and updated) across school in 22-23 to give us a clear and consistent approach.

Please also find below links to useful sites regarding Internet safety. As always, if you have any concerns in this area please come and see us. There are a number of files at the bottom of the page with parent guides to everything from basic internet safety to Tik Tok and Instagram.  



Click to watch videos and play games

Report an Incident

When should I report to CEOP?

We help children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be inappropriate chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up.


Computing Club

We have also run a computing club learning about different technology not available in the curriculum. The children have had hands on experience of advanced technology.



Files to Download

St John The Evangelist Church of England Primary School

Ivy Road,
SK11 8QN
Charlotte Fox (bursar) 01625428222 [email protected]
SENCo Mrs Kay Clarke
Headteacher Mr Mark Harrison