About Us

St John the Evangelist CE Aided Primary School
Head Teacher: Mr Mark Harrison

We are proud of recent OFSTED report (September 2023). OFSTED noted that, 'Pupils, parents, carers and staff are proud to be part of this happy school. Pupils and children in the early years enjoy learning and feel safe. A typical parent comment was that this is ‘a lovely school with amazing teachers and happy children’.

Our school is a Church of England Primary School.  It was founded to ensure that the children in this part of Macclesfield can learn about Christ and experience Him in their lives.  We are proud of our connection with our Church on Wilwick Lane and thank the parish for its support of our work.

We provide a wide range of balanced learning opportunities in a caring and stimulating environment so that the children grow over the years into independent and responsible young people.  We aim to seek the maximum potential development of each individual and look for high all round achievement.

We believe that we can only achieve the best for our children by establishing close co-operation between home and school.  There will be many opportunities during your child's time with us for you to share in your child’s education.  We hope that you will become involved in the life of the school and will enjoy the excitement of these primary years.

School Ethos and Values

‘This school seeks to attain the highest standard for all its children’

We aim:

  • To provide the children with the opportunity of discovering the reality of God and to help them to experience Him in their lives.
  • To create a secure environment where civilised values apply and where children can live in peace and happiness alongside one another, aware of each other’s needs.
  • To create an aesthetically pleasing living space where work is sensitively displayed and where there is a sense of order and purpose.
  • To cultivate good links between the school, the home and our local community, looking particularly to our links with the church, the Pre-School, the Youth Organisations and the local High Schools.  
  • To ensure children’s parents feel welcome in our school and to emphasise that they are part of the educational process and to involve them in decision making.
  • To encourage positive attitudes toward the work we do in this school. The school must be a place where children feel safe to experiment and fail, but where they are encouraged to produce exciting work of a high standard.
  • To look to the uniqueness of our children and aim to help them become self-motivated and self-critical.
  • To teach specific skills, believing that, in all areas of curriculum, children need to be taught in careful and planned stages.
  • To work together to plan a curriculum which is broadly based and applicable to the children’s own experience.
  • To see each element of the curriculum is allotted sufficient time and there is a match between the planned learning and the ability of the child.
  • To value each phase of the child’s development and approach carefully their world of joy and wonder, seeing childhood as a place in its own right and not just a preparation for the next stage of life.

Click to visit St John's Church Website

Contact Us

Address:  St John the Evangelist CE Aided Primary School
                Ivy Road  

Telephone: 01625 428222
Fax:          01625 614686

If you have an enquiry about a school place or any other query, please contact Mrs Fox the school Bursar or Mrs Wood the admin assistant in the
school office in the first instance.

Enquiries about special educational needs should be marked for the attention of Mrs K Clarke (the SENDCO)and sent to the admin address below.

Email: [email protected]

How to find us


St John The Evangelist Church of England Primary School

Ivy Road,
SK11 8QN
Charlotte Fox (bursar) 01625428222 [email protected]
SENCo Mrs Kay Clarke
Headteacher Mr Mark Harrison